Категория: Другое

Условие задачи (тема реферата, контрольной, курсовой работы или диплома):

Курсовая работа "Bioimpedance measurement and relevant problems" по биоэлектронике написанная на английском языке (Term paper on bioelectronics written in English).

Написана в 2009 году в Мюнхенском университете (Universität der Bundeswehr München). Тема работы освящает понятие bioimpedance (сопротивление тела человека).

1. Impedance measurement: the auto-balanced bridge method
1.1 Fundamentals
1.2 Tektronix TDS 2024 and signal denoising
2. Application to bioimpedance
2.1 Body compartments
2.2 Bioimpedance models
2.4 Hanai mixture theory
2.5 Bioimpedance curve evaluation
2.6 Influence of electrodes
3. Practical part
3.1 Models and assumptions
3.2 Proband: Valery Kotov
3.3 Proband: Ivan Golubkov
3.4 Proband: Nikita Zadiriushko
3.5 Discussions

Для ознакомления - введение:

The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis and spectroscopy is widespread. In context
of non-lethal weapons it is quite important to obtain all possible information about object under
test. Moreover, it is also important to perform necessary measurements and evaluations as fast as
possible. These conditions often contradict to each other; hence, the main goal of our
investigations is trying to find simple, quick and non-robust algorithm satisfying necessary
conditions. In chapter 3 we suggest such an algorithm based on regression data and Hanai
mixture theory.
Chapters 1 and 2 devote to describe selected impedance measurement concepts and
bioimpedance theory respectively. All measurements and evaluations were performed using
methods mentioned here. In order to measure impedance we used Analog Devices evaluation
board (AD 5933). But as we met some problems concerning wrong results on the AD 5933
output there was crucially to minimize possible error sources. Therefore, we used AD 5933 only
as an operating amplifier in the auto-balancing bridge method.

Работа уникальная, не плагиат, использованы все современные сведения и данные.

Формат файлов решений: pdf-документ
Автор: admin (посмотреть информацию)
Добавлено: 07.10.2009 17:04
Статус: проверено
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Цена: 150 рублей

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